It’s amazing how we struggle to profit in our endeavours when the world around us is full of profit. Profit means to gain and before you think this is about money alone – no it isn’t. Profit is a word that is much more than financial gain alone. As Christians we can experience profit in areas much more than money. We can profit really in anything we invest. So we can profit in love, relationships and time. We can profit from anything we invest in others.

Profit is to get more than you give out. Mar_8:36  For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? This verse presents a truth. In or pursuit of profit, we must expend (loose) something. Profit happens when what we gain is more than what we expend (loose). Mark states that if we gain the world but loose our soul, then we have no profit – because we have no soul left to enjoy the profit! ?

Investment is risky if you do not know the rules. The fear of loss scares many from investing or pursuing “profit” in the first place. But there is also good news. Isaiah 48:17 says “Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.” There is a way to profit and if anyone knows the way surely God knows it! That’s why not everyone succeeds in investments. There are bad investments out there but the good news is God is going to teach us the ways to profit and lead us in the way we should go! We must, however be willing to learn and be taught!

Note we must LEARN to Profit…So here are four things to consider as we prepare ourselves for learning:

  1. We must be ready to change our position. We must not be afraid of change as growth always involves change and when God teaches expect to change something within or around you.
  2. We must be ready to listen. The act of listening means there is ‘still’ time. We must not be distracted. There is a very good reason classroom seats face the teacher. So must we!
  3. There may be repetitioning to re-enforce knowledge. If we do this to our kids to get them to learn we must expect to do somethings a few times until God says we are ready for the next step.
  4. Get out there and Do! – We all know that theory is great but practical is where you really appreciate the theory you learnt. James 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, …. Its in doing that we truly become!

1Co_12:7  But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit always results in profit for the man God uses. But to get there we must be ready to spend some time in Gods Classroom of profit!