Favour is a very popular word used in Church settings as it comes up in the definition of Grace many times. We define grace as unmerited Favour! Indeed God has favoured us to shower his blessing of eternal life on us. When Favour is mentioned we often think about Esther and Joseph and even Jesus who grew in favour before God and Men.
These Patriarchs in the Bible such as Esther, Joseph, Moses etc all found favour in one way or the other from someone else. Favour is good and we all need favour from God but I believe that God also wants to take us to a place where we can command favour and give favour out to others.
Job 11:19 [NIV] says ‘You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid, and many will court your favour. Many will seek your favour! Amen. I believe God is taking us to a place where we begin to favour others. To favour others means we will be blessed with enough resources and authority to bless others.
2 things are required – Authority and Resources. So when God says He is giving us the ability to favour others, it means He is giving us more authority (elevating our area of influence) and resources (blessings).
Also notice the word many. This mean we will have the ability to do this for many people.
Begin to change your expectation from the always seeking favour from men but to a new level where we seek Gods favour to lift us to a level where we can favour men!
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